XLCubed is now FluenceXL. The new wiki can be found here: https://help.fluencexl.com/ |
Version 9.1
What's new in Version 9.1
Main Additions
- Commentary - formatting, attachments, screengrabs, replies, history...
- Commentary - Improved reporting
- Extended Pivot Views for relational reporting - support for multi-level hierarchies and session calculations.
- Repeaters - Easily replicate a formatted report section across multiple variables.
- Slicer Lists - Group slicers together in one control for ease of layout and presentation.
- Conditional formatting enhancements - Full grid integration with support for colour gradients and icon sets.
- Conditional formatting enhancements
- Hidden MDX calculations in grids
- Previous/Next member counts can come from a range
- Grid custom MDX on Axis
- Grid merging can be done on columns and rows independently
- Grid option to display set members on headers
- Grid option to "not merge where" can simplify MDX
- Grid named range for members and data that excludes labels.
- Grid named range for Last Cell. Useful for viewports e.g. based on Sheet1!A1:LastCell
- Grid sort alphabetically button added to ribbon.
- Member selections support Exists
Small Multiples
- Can be customised per row - useful when charting different measures
- Underlying data can be viewed in a table
- Optional button to clear selections
- Bubble and dot plot borders can have width customised
- 'Apply' button on the "Spacing" tab to preview changes
- More flexibility to customise series appearance.
- Support for axis crossing properties
- Support for Pie and Doughnut chart types
- Drilling still keeps slicer links
- Repeaters
- Viewports can contain XLCubed chart types
- Treemaps can customise fonts
- Viewports can maintain aspect ratio when resized - useful for dashboards
- Maps published to the web can multi-pick using Ctrl
Excel Charting
- Additional Excel Chart features supported for XLCubed Web publication:
- Data tables in Excel charts
- Leader lines in Excel charts
- Additional Excel Chart types supported for XLCubed Web publication:
- Waterfall charts
- Histograms
- Pareto charts
- Slicer Lists
- Slicers can have a custom query
- Slicers can use parent/child columns to create trees
- Slicers can be set to clear other ranges
- Slicer selections can activate an XL3Link
Pivot Views (for SQL and relational reporting)
- Support for Hierarchies and custom calculations
- Pivot views can have a custom query
- Pivot views can be created from any existing connection
- MDX formula wizard
- XL3Set
- XL3GridArrayLookup and XL3TableArrayLookup
- XL3ReportInfo
- XL3SetProperty Additional functionality
- Pagers
- Shapes
- Workbook Permission
- Connection
- Viewport
- Chart axis crossing
- Picture links
- XL3WebReportLink can link to a specific cell instead of a sheet
- Formuale can optionally remove drill indicators from member text in case they reference a grid.
- Picture links can get a cell address to jump to from a range.
- Activate XL3Link option added to many controls.
- When outputting a selection the XL3Link is activated which can clear out cell selections
- Comments Allow attachments
- Comment Frame
- XL3CubeFormattedComment
- Comments improved handling of pasting from Word
- Comments - general speed up if not "Showing descendants"
Relational Connections
- Pass table variables to stored procedures in SQL Server
- Improved options for Rest Queries
- Tables based on Tabular SSAS support drill indicators
- Tables named range for Last Cell. Useful for viewports e.g. based on Sheet1!A1:LastCell
- Scheduling SQL distribution list
- [distribution lists can have semicolon-delimited email addresses]
- Admin users can view all schedules
- Dashboards Can add pagers
- Dashboards can toggle auto-linking on/off.
- Dashboards can mix connections from different cubes with varying hierarchies.
- Can set rows and columns to have fixed sizes
- Can include a "Zoom" option when published to view control full-page
- Dashboard Labels can be named to easier track them
Supported backends
- Improved Sap HANA connectivity
- Query Generators Allow MDX to be generated and put into the worksheet
- Offline Cubes
- Table Charts
- Managing Connections handle structure changes across reports also updates calculations
- Widgets allowing custom content to be embedded in a workbook on the web
Excel Edition
- Connection screen can filter connection types
- Connection screen can import .odc files
- Improved handling of protected and macro-enabled workbooks.
- Measure group filter added to Hierarchy drop downs.
- Named sets use display folders
- Improved options screen with better High-DPI support
- Faster Excel load time
- "Designer Ribbon" to easily layout XLCubed Objects en masse
- Can multi-select reports in Publishing to move between folders
- Improved Small Multiple task pane
Custom Calculations
- Custom calculation export can filter items exported.
- Calculated members can be renamed directly in the member selector.
- Can right-click on a selected member and "Show member in Tree"
- Sort A-Z added to grid ribbon to sort members alphabetically
- Show warning if grid links are being used
- Can set defaults to use for new slicers
Web Edition
- Licensing Named users on web
- Customise publishing dependencies
- Custom validation rule improvements on the web
- Improved error message logging on the web
- New download options csv and txt. Options for XL3ReportType and PrintRendererServer web service.
- Web Development JS API - get cell/range value
- Allow data access on web to run as AppPool user web.config setting.
- Improved slicer formatting
- Option to hide toolbar buttons
- PowerPoint export
- "Refresh on driving cells change" can optionally affect the web (new option)
SQL Repository
- SQL Repository can hide folders or reports so they are only available through links
- SQL Repository has colour coded folders on web
- Relative path support for reports when using the SQL repository
- Original workbook can be published to the repository so can be recovered at a later date
- Option to override the default folder order
- Multisheet printing on web names sheets after members
- Multisheet printing improves page numbering consistency
- Multisheet printing improves formula handing across sheets
- Improved map printing on web
- Option to include workbook slicers on a page in PDF
- Better slicer and other XLCubed object positioning and sizing
Mobile App
- Support zooming in offline reports
- Support offline reports in Android
- Allow offline reports to be refreshed
- Allow scheduled refreshing of offline reports