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Difference between revisions of "Powershell"

(18 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 30: Line 30:
The connections in the report
*The connections in the report
Line 41: Line 41:
*Connections (RepositoryConnection[])
*Connections (RepositoryConnection[])
**Connections to use in the report - connections in the report will be matched by Id and updated to reflect the given Type, Server, Database and Cube
**Connections to update - connections in the report will be matched by Id and updated to reflect the given Type, Server, Database and Cube
The updated report data
*The updated report data
Line 60: Line 60:
*The folder object that has been added
Get the folders in the given path
The folder object that has been added
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to get the contents of
*List of folders in the Path
Delete the given folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to delete
Rename the given folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to rename
*-Name (''string'')
**The new name for the folder
Clear all the permissions set on the supplied folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to clear the permissions from
Get the permissions for the given folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to get list of permissions for.
*List of permissions set on the given folder
Remove the explicit set of permissions from the given folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to remove the permissions from
*-PermissionID (''int[]'')
**List of permissions, by ID, to remove
Add the given permissions to the specified folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to add the permissions to
*-Permission (''RepositoryPermission[]'')
**List of permissions to add
*-OverridePermissions (''bool''))
**Set "override permission" setting on the folder
Add the supplied report to the given folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path for the folder to add the report to
*-Name (''string'')
**Name of the report to add
*-Data (''Dictionary<string,byte[]>'')
**Report data - can be retrieved using Select-XL3Report
*The report object that was added
Get the reports in the given folder
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the folder to get the list of reports from
*The reports in the folder
Render the given report as either Excel, PDF, LiveExcel or PowerPoint
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the report to render or path to a folder to render all reports in that folder
*-Format (''[[#ReportFormats|ReportFormats]]'')
**Format of the output: Excel, PDF, LiveExcel, PowerPoint
*Array of all the rendered reports
Delete the given report
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the report to delete
Renamed the given report
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the report to rename
*-Name (''string'')
**New name for the report
Retrieve the report data for the given report, the report data can be use by Add-XL3Reports and *-XL3Connections
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to the report
*Report data, can be used by Add-XL3Reports and the *-XL3Connection methods
Export XLCubed reports as an XL3RZ package
*-Path (''string'')
**Path to export
*-IsRecursive (''boolean'')
** True to include sub folders
*-Filename (''string'')
**XL3RZ file to export to
Will write directly to the given file
Import XLCubed reports from an XL3RZ package. The Folder structure will match those imported.
*-InputFile (''string'')
**XL3RZ file to import from
Will show a list of the files imported.
Get information about the given repository
*Information about the repository
=Data Types=
=Data Types=
Line 97: Line 240:
         public bool? OveridePermissions { get; set; }
         public bool? OveridePermissions { get; set; }
    public class RepositoryInfo
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public Version Version { get; set; }
    public class RepositoryPermission
        public int PermissionID { get; set; }
        public string MemberType { get; set; }
        public int MemberID { get; set; }
        public char AccessRight { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string MemberDescription { get; set; }
    public class RepositoryReport
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Path { get; set; }
        public DateTime DatePublished { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string PublishedBy { get; set; }
public class RenderedReport
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public bool Successful { get; set; }
        public byte[] Data { get; set; }
        public Exception Error { get; set; }
==Connect and get repo info==
Get-XL3Repository -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb
==Get list of folders on the root==
Get-XL3Folders -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb
==Get list of reports in the first folder of site==
$folders = Get-XL3Folders -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb
Get-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path $folders[0].Path
==Copy reports from "Test1" folder on one server to the "Test2" folder on another server==
$reports = Get-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test1'
foreach($rep in $reports)
  $data = Select-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path $rep.Path
  Add-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://somenewserver/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test2' -Data $data -Name $rep.Name
==Copy reports between servers and update the connection servers==
$reports = Get-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test1'
foreach($rep in $reports)
  $data = Select-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path $rep.Path
  # Get the connections in the file
  $conns = Get-XL3Connections -data $data
  foreach($conn in $conns)
        # update server - note the specific format to still support excel range vs literal values
        $conn.Server = '<value>newserver</value>'
  # Update the connection in the report data
  $data = Set-XL3Connections -data $data -Connections $conns
  # send to new server
  Add-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://newserver/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test2' -Data $data -Name $rep.Name

Latest revision as of 13:32, 16 May 2023

Available for Version 10.0.144 and above running XLCubedWeb in a role-based SQL Repository running Windows Authentication or on an App Service.


The PowerShell cmdlet is available by contacting support@xlcubed.com - it helps automate deployment of reports, folders and permissions.


Extract the supplied zip file, you can then install it by running the following command, either using the extracted folder as the current directory or by passing a full path:

 Import-Module '.\XLCubed.PowerShell.dll' -force

All commands take the following parameters:

-BaseUri  => The full URL to the XLCubedWeb server, for example: https://someserver/xlcubedweb
-AuthToken => Optional JWT authorisation token to use when accessing an App Service instance of XLCubedWeb



Return the connections used by the supplied report


  • -Data (Dictionary<string,byte[]>)
    • Report data - can be retrieved using Select-XL3Report



  • The connections in the report


Update the connections in the report


  • -Data (Dictionary<string,byte[]>)
    • Report data - can be retrieved using Select-XL3Report
  • Connections (RepositoryConnection[])
    • Connections to update - connections in the report will be matched by Id and updated to reflect the given Type, Server, Database and Cube



  • The updated report data


Add a new folder to the repository


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to add the new folder to
  • -Name (string)
    • Name of the folder to add



  • The folder object that has been added


Get the folders in the given path


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to get the contents of



  • List of folders in the Path


Delete the given folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to delete


Rename the given folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to rename
  • -Name (string)
    • The new name for the folder


Clear all the permissions set on the supplied folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to clear the permissions from


Get the permissions for the given folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to get list of permissions for.



  • List of permissions set on the given folder


Remove the explicit set of permissions from the given folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to remove the permissions from
  • -PermissionID (int[])
    • List of permissions, by ID, to remove


Add the given permissions to the specified folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to add the permissions to
  • -Permission (RepositoryPermission[])
    • List of permissions to add
  • -OverridePermissions (bool))
    • Set "override permission" setting on the folder


Add the supplied report to the given folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path for the folder to add the report to
  • -Name (string)
    • Name of the report to add
  • -Data (Dictionary<string,byte[]>)
    • Report data - can be retrieved using Select-XL3Report



  • The report object that was added


Get the reports in the given folder


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the folder to get the list of reports from



  • The reports in the folder


Render the given report as either Excel, PDF, LiveExcel or PowerPoint


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the report to render or path to a folder to render all reports in that folder
  • -Format (ReportFormats)
    • Format of the output: Excel, PDF, LiveExcel, PowerPoint



  • Array of all the rendered reports


Delete the given report


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the report to delete


Renamed the given report


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the report to rename
  • -Name (string)
    • New name for the report


Retrieve the report data for the given report, the report data can be use by Add-XL3Reports and *-XL3Connections


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to the report



  • Report data, can be used by Add-XL3Reports and the *-XL3Connection methods


Export XLCubed reports as an XL3RZ package


  • -Path (string)
    • Path to export
  • -IsRecursive (boolean)
    • True to include sub folders
  • -Filename (string)
    • XL3RZ file to export to


Will write directly to the given file


Import XLCubed reports from an XL3RZ package. The Folder structure will match those imported.


  • -InputFile (string)
    • XL3RZ file to import from


Will show a list of the files imported.


Get information about the given repository



  • Information about the repository

Data Types


public class RepositoryConnection
 public int Id { get; set; }
 public string Type { get; set; }
 public string Server { get; set; }
 public string Database { get; set; }
 public string Cube { get; set; }


public class RepositoryFolder
       public string Name { get; set; }
       public string Path { get; set; }
       public bool? OveridePermissions { get; set; }


   public class RepositoryInfo
       public string Name { get; set; }
       public Version Version { get; set; }


   public class RepositoryPermission
       public int PermissionID { get; set; }
       public string MemberType { get; set; }
       public int MemberID { get; set; }
       public char AccessRight { get; set; }
       public string Description { get; set; }
       public string MemberDescription { get; set; }


   public class RepositoryReport
       public string Name { get; set; }
       public string Path { get; set; }
       public DateTime DatePublished { get; set; }
       public string Description { get; set; }
       public string PublishedBy { get; set; }


public class RenderedReport
       public string Name { get; set; }
       public bool Successful { get; set; }
       public byte[] Data { get; set; }
       public Exception Error { get; set; }


Connect and get repo info

Get-XL3Repository -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb

Get list of folders on the root

Get-XL3Folders -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb

Get list of reports in the first folder of site

$folders = Get-XL3Folders -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb
Get-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path $folders[0].Path

Copy reports from "Test1" folder on one server to the "Test2" folder on another server

$reports = Get-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test1' 
foreach($rep in $reports)
  $data = Select-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path $rep.Path
  Add-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://somenewserver/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test2' -Data $data -Name $rep.Name	

Copy reports between servers and update the connection servers

$reports = Get-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test1'
foreach($rep in $reports)
  $data = Select-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://localhost/xlcubedweb -Path $rep.Path
  # Get the connections in the file
  $conns = Get-XL3Connections -data $data
  foreach($conn in $conns)
       # update server - note the specific format to still support excel range vs literal values
       $conn.Server = '<value>newserver</value>'
  # Update the connection in the report data
  $data = Set-XL3Connections -data $data -Connections $conns
  # send to new server
  Add-XL3Reports -BaseUri http://newserver/xlcubedweb -Path 'Test2' -Data $data -Name $rep.Name	