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* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms140114.aspx Web Service Task reference]
* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms140114.aspx Web Service Task reference]
* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc952927(v=sql.100).aspx Web Service Task instructional video]
* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc952927(v=sql.100).aspx Web Service Task instructional video]

Revision as of 09:06, 3 May 2012

In this tutorial, we will set up an Microsoft Integration Services task, which will trigger one or more scheduled reports. We will assume a pre-existing Analysis Services Processing Task, and one or more scheduled reports.

  1. Open your existing Integration Services project in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
  2. In the Control Flow tab, open the Toolbox and drag a Web Service Task into the window.
  3. Set the task to run after the existing Analysis Services Processing Task as normal:
    RunScheduleUsingIntegrationServices Task.png
  4. Right-click the new task, and select the Edit... menu option.
  5. On the General page, configure the Web Service details:
    • For the HTTPConnection, select New connection....
    • The Server URL should be: http(s)://yourwebserver/XLCubedWeb/WebServices/SchedulingServer.svc?wsdl
    • If necessary, set up the credentials and other properties for access to the website:
      RunScheduleUsingIntegrationServices Connection.png
    • When successfully tested, click OK to confirm the connection.
  6. Choose a local file path for the WSDLFile property, set the OverwriteWSDLFile property to True, then click Download WSDL.
  7. If desired, choose a Name and Description for the task.
    RunScheduleUsingIntegrationServices General.png
  8. On the Input page, the input boxes should now be available. Select SchedulingServer for the Service, and RunSchedule for the Method.
  9. For the ScheduleNameSearchPattern either enter the name of the schedule you want to run, or a simple pattern, using asterisk (*) as the wildcard. For example, to match all schedules with names starting with PostCubeBuild, enter PostCubeBuild* into the textbox.
    RunScheduleUsingIntegrationServices Input.png
  10. On the Output page, select a variable of type Object to store the return value.
  11. The setup is finished. The schedule should run when the preceding tasks have completed.

Further Reading