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Table Properties

Revision as of 16:24, 22 March 2012 by Colin Overton (talk) (Performance tips for large tables)

Behaviour Options


Resize columns/rows after refresh
Automatically adjust the columns and rows to fit the data.
Insert/delete columns/rows when Grid size changes
Determines the behaviour when rows are added or removed.
No Shift XLCubed overwrites neighbouring cells.
Shift Range XLCubed inserts the required number of cells only.
Shift Entire XLCubed inserts and deletes entire columns or rows to accommodate the new data.
Fill formulae next to Table
Detect and fill down any formulae directly adjacent to the Table as rows are added or removed.


Refresh Table on open
Causes the Table to update itself when the workbook is opened.

Appearance Options


The title of the Table, displayed in dialogs and menus whenever the Table is referred to.


Apply formatting
Override formats on the Table, or let you manage them manually.
Merge repeating cells
When data is repeated, merge the repeated cells for the outer values
With merged repeating cells
With merged repeating cells
With separate repeating cells
With separate repeating cells

Layout Options


These options apply when pivoting data

Group by value
Pivoted values are kept together, e.g. all columns for January will be together
Group by measure
Numeric columns are kept together, e.g. all columns for Sales Value will be together
Show in-cell charts
Useful when pivoting on a date, automatically displays a chart of the data.
Pivot fixed on column name
By default XLCubed stores the pivoted column index. You can instead switch so the column name is used. This is useful if the query can vary the columns it returns, e.g. from a stored procedure.
When using named query for pivot
For Sql queries you can specify the order for pivoted columns to be displayed (by default alphabetical order is used). If you specify an order query, you can also decide whether to emit all columns in the order query, or just those which have data.


This is used to configure the columns used as section headers, as described in the section help.

Query Options

Auto-generate Query (default)
XLCubed controls the query for the Table given the selected options.
Manual Query
You may type your own query in the edit field.
Get Query from Excel range
The entire query statement for the Table is taken from a cell on the worksheet.

Performance tips for large tables

If you have very large tables, the following options will speed up data refreshes:

Turn off

  • Apply Formatting
  • Resize Columns
  • Merge repeating cells