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Outlier Grouping

Revision as of 15:41, 22 November 2012 by Colin Overton (talk)

Outlier groupings allow you to display a subset of the selected members grouped together into a common set, often called "Others".

You can select the criteria to define what is grouped and give the group a name.



The simplest example is using a Ranking. Normally we return the top 10 members, but we may also want a summary of the items not displayed.

We start with a long list of products:


If we add a normal ranking we get the top 10, but lose the other products which may be significant:


Instead we will remove the ranking and add a Outlier Grouping.


In this dialog we will just use the default top 10 ranking, although we could also group by value (Filter), or chose certain members that will go into the group.


This results in the following grid.


Note that we choose "Keep these members separate". We could change this and select "Group these members" to have the top 10 grouped, and all other members shown as normal.

User driven grouping