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From Version 10 XLCubed add-in for Excel can connect to Mondrian and query it using MDX. Mondrian connections can be used to create Grids, Small Multiple Charts and Slicers in the same way as Analysis Services connections.

Server Configuration

The Mondrian server must have the XMLA servlet enabled and configured.

Client Configuration

In the connections screen pick the Mondrian connection type, and enter the XMLA address as the server name, usually in the form: http://server_name:8080/mondrian/xmla

If you need to enter credentials, or get an Unauthorized error message you must tick the Requires Logon checkbox, and enter your username/password.

Mondrian requires an older version of the ADOMD.Net database drivers that are not provided with XLCubed. These can be downloaded and installed from https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=44272

You must install the ASADOMD10 drivers, there are 32 and 64 bit versions, it is easiest to install both.
