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Grid Actions
Grid Actions extend the user interaction you can setup for a grid by presenting menu items to perform various actions: context area report navigation, master/detail data views etc.
From version V10.0.154, you can define a list of actions to add to a Grid's right-click menu, each action is linked to a cell containing an XL3Link that will be triggered when the menu is selected.
You can optionally set Grid Interactions to wait for an Grid Action to be triggered before they are outputted. This is good for performance, the grid active cell can be used to drive other grids but they will not be refreshed until the action is activated.
You can pick a range containing the XL3Links - there are a maximum of 10 actions supported. The Menu item name will be the text of the cell and the XL3Link will be triggered when the menu is selected
"Active Cell tracking waits for action" will track the active cell in the grid but only output the members when the action is selected.
Active cell tracking outputs to Sheet2 which contains a grid driven from those cells, the action takes the user to sheet2 and the "Wait for action" option triggers the grid refresh