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Insert Data Series

Revision as of 15:09, 13 October 2010 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'MicroCharts containing {{Code|XL3DataSeriesLookup}} formulae can be inserted directly into the spreadsheet using the {{Menu|XLCubed|Insert Formula|Data Series}} ribbon or men…')
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MicroCharts containing XL3DataSeriesLookup formulae can be inserted directly into the spreadsheet using the XLCubed > Insert Formula > Data Series ribbon or menu option.

To insert a chart:

  1. Select the XLCubed > Insert Formula > Data Series ribbon or menu option
  2. Choose a location for the new formulae
  3. Choose the connection to use from the dropdown
  4. Select a measure to chart
  5. Select the hierarchy the desired members belong to
  6. Select the members to chart by selecting a member, then a set based around that member
  7. Click OK and the formulae will be inserted

Additional Options

  • Additional filters can be specified in the grid at the bottom of the dialog

See Also