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Scheduling with the File-based Repository

Revision as of 10:55, 11 November 2015 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs) (Finding the Scheduling Error Log: Removed the reference to the SQL Repository)


XLCubed Web Edition can be used to deliver reports to users automatically.

Using a schedule you can define which reports go to which users, and can optionally parameterise the results.

Scheduling maintenance is setup in the browser using the Clock run.png icon.

This article is about configuring XLCubed Scheduling, you can also find more information about Scheduling Installation or, for using it with the SQL Repository, please see Scheduling with the SQL Repository.


Scheduling Concepts

Picking Reports

When picking a Report to be added the dialog box offers some options.


Report parameters are defined in XLCubed Excel edition. You can set fixed values, or pick one of the Placeholders to be set up when the report is generated.


Sets the Analysis Services role to run the report as, useful if you have cube security. This setting will be overridden by any setting made for a Distribution Group.

Attach As

Defines the format of the report to be delivered, either PDF or Excel file.


By entering these custom values as report parameters you can customise the file for each user.

Code Description
%date% Inserts the current date
%time% Inserts the current time
%datetime% Inserts the current date and time
%rolename% Inserts the database role or roles that are being used
%groupname% Inserts the name of the distribution group
%distributionlist% (V10.0.129+) Inserts the name of the distribution list
%email% Inserts the email address of the recipient. Ignored if %emailtosendto% is also used
%displayname% Inserts the display name of the recipient. Ignored if %emailtosendto% is also used
%sendiftrue% Triggers sending of the report. May only be used once per report
%emailtosendto% Retrieves a comma-delimited list of email addresses from the report. May only be used once per schedule


If %sendiftrue% is used the report will be generated normally, but only sent to users if this parameter is calculated to be TRUE.

This allows exception reporting, for example, if you had appropriate names defined in Excel, you could set the formula in the parameter cell to be

=Or(Sales < 1000, Losses > 50)

The report can be published with the exception-detecting cell exposed as a Web Parameter:

SendIfTrue Excel.png

This parameter can then be used as the %sendiftrue% parameter when setting up the schedule:

SendIfTrue Schedule.png


If %emailtosendto% is used, the email addresses defined in the schedule or distribution group will be ignored, and the addresses retrieved from this parameter instead. The value in the cell may be either one email address or a comma-delimited list.

Note that this parameter overrides the %email% and %displayname% parameters.

Starting from an Existing Schedule

If the schedule you are trying to create is similar to an existing schedule, you can copy the details into the new schedule by following these steps:

  1. Click the Add Schedule button to create the new schedule
  2. Click the Clone Existing button to display the Select a Schedule dialog
  3. Select the schedule you would like to copy the details from
  4. When you click the OK button, the details are copied into the new schedule

Finding the Scheduling Error Log

The Scheduling error log can be found in the XLCubed Web Edition Repository, under the __xlcubed__\__scheduling__ subfolder. For example, if XLCubed is installed in the standard location, it can be found here:


Controlling Schedules through SQL

Some parts of the Scheduling configuration (e.g. distribution lists) can be queried from a SQL query. You can find more information here.

Sending a Scheduled Report using Integration Services

Existing schedules can be triggered by using a web service. You can find details on how to set this up in this article.

See Also