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Sending A Scheduled Report Using Integration Services
Revision as of 09:06, 3 May 2012 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs)
In this tutorial, we will set up an Microsoft Integration Services task, which will trigger one or more scheduled reports. We will assume a pre-existing Analysis Services Processing Task, and one or more scheduled reports.
- Open your existing Integration Services project in Business Intelligence Development Studio.
- In the Control Flow tab, open the Toolbox and drag a Web Service Task into the window.
- Set the task to run after the existing Analysis Services Processing Task as normal:
- Right-click the new task, and select the Edit... menu option.
- On the General page, configure the Web Service details:
- For the HTTPConnection, select New connection....
- The Server URL should be: http(s)://yourwebserver/XLCubedWeb/WebServices/SchedulingServer.svc?wsdl
- If necessary, set up the credentials and other properties for access to the website:
- When successfully tested, click OK to confirm the connection.
- Choose a local file path for the WSDLFile property, set the OverwriteWSDLFile property to True, then click Download WSDL.
- If desired, choose a Name and Description for the task.
- On the Input page, the input boxes should now be available. Select SchedulingServer for the Service, and RunSchedule for the Method.
- For the ScheduleNameSearchPattern either enter the name of the schedule you want to run, or a simple pattern, using asterisk (*) as the wildcard. For example, to match all schedules with names starting with PostCubeBuild, enter PostCubeBuild* into the textbox.
- On the Output page, select a variable of type Object to store the return value.
- The setup is finished. The schedule should run when the preceding tasks have completed.