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Excel Range Slicers/Version 7.0

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In the scenario where a Slicer needs to be used to allow the selection of an item from a range of cells, then have the corresponding selection passed to another report as a parameter, Excel range driven slicers can be useful.

The screenshot below shows a selection list containing five countries, each with its corresponding country code. When the user selects a country, its corresponding country code should be displayed.


This can be done through an XLCubed slicer. Create a slicer as follows:

  1. Select the XLCubed > Slicer > Excel ribbon item.
  2. Set the Slicer range to =$A$1:$B$5 (this is the range of cells where the country code and country name are held).
  3. In the Properties section, check Update range with selection, select First Column and enter the cell location where you want the country code to be displayed. In our example it is B11.
  4. When the user clicks on a slicer option, in this case France, its corresponding country code is displayed in cell B11.