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Pager Properties

Revision as of 14:42, 1 May 2012 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This form has several properties that adjust how the table pager behaves. ;Table :Determines the pager that is associated with this pager ;Page size :Sets how ...")
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This form has several properties that adjust how the table pager behaves.

Determines the pager that is associated with this pager
Page size 
Sets how many rows are displayed per page
Controls how the pager control behaves when cells around it are resized
  • Free Floating - the pager is not affected by any cell changes
  • Move - the pager moves when the cell it is on moves
  • Move and Size - the pager moves when the cell it is on moves, and is resized when cells beneath it are resized
Ignore pager on save to Excel 
When the published report is saved back to Excel, this determines whether the pager is ignored