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Revision as of 16:48, 11 July 2012 by Colin Overton (talk) (Example)

Refreshes objects in the report based on their name. (New in version 7.1)

This allows you to refresh objects on demand. Objects could be Grids, Tables, Slicers, SmallMultiples or Treemaps.

This function is for use with the XL3Link function, which can be used to switch the refresh on.


XL3RefreshObjectsNamed( [RunRefresh], [Name1],…, [Name29] )


Parameter Description
RunRefresh Should the refresh fire. This should be a reference to another cell that contains TRUE or FALSE. Once the refresh fires that cell will be reset to FALSE. Use XL3Link to set the cell to true, causing a refresh.
[Name1],…, [NameN] Names of the objects to refresh.


This example assumes you are using cell $A$1 to hold the RunRefresh variable. We will refresh a grid named "MyGrid".

First, create the XL3RefreshObjectsNamed, as follows:

=XL3RefreshObjectsNamed($A$1, "MyGrid")

Next set up the link to fire the refresh, as follows:

=XL3Link(XL3Address($A$1),"Refresh My Grid",,XL3Address($A$1),TRUE)

Now clicking the hyperlink will refresh the grid specified.

See Also