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XLCubed Web Edition Installer
Revision as of 14:34, 24 January 2018 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To install XLCubed Web: * Run the setup program while logged onto the server as a user with administrator permissions * Once installed, use the {{Code|Configure XLCubed Web E...")
To install XLCubed Web:
- Run the setup program while logged onto the server as a user with administrator permissions
- Once installed, use the Configure XLCubed Web Edition start menu item to apply your license key, or copy the provided license key (xl3web.license) into the website folder, which is by default: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XLCubedWeb
- When installed, the application is accessed by navigating to http://<yourservername>/XLCubedWeb
- XLCubedWeb is the default website name during installation, but can be changed as required during the installation process
- Please note versions 5 and below are not upgraded: this version will install as a separate product