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XLCubed Web Edition Installer

Revision as of 09:46, 31 January 2018 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs)

To install XLCubed Web:

  • Run the setup program while logged onto the server as a user with administrator permissions
  • Once installed, to apply your license key, either:
    • use the Configure XLCubed Web Edition start menu item, or
    • copy the provided license key (xl3web.license) into the website folder, which is by default: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XLCubedWeb
  • When installed, the application is accessed by navigating to http://<yourservername>/XLCubedWeb
  • XLCubedWeb is the default website name during installation, but can be changed as required during the installation process
  • Please note versions 5 and below are not upgraded: this version will install as a separate product

See Also