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DotPlot Chart Designer


This dialog is used to format any Dotplot In-Cell Charts in your report.

For details about how to invoke the dialog, see In-Cell Chart Designer.

Chart Options

The horizontal scale factor to use when drawing the chart
The colour to draw the plots
Plot symbol
There are two choices:
  1. Dot
  2. Circle
Stacking type
Based on the stacking type - the values will be grouped and drawn either varying the colour or the vertical position:
  1. None
  2. Vertical position
  3. Colour
Stacking value type
Defines how dots are stacked - the number of values, an alternate set of values or a random jitter:
Count: the Y value is defined by the number of values that are the same (only applied when the Stacking Type is Position or Colour)
Values: provide another range the same shape as the source values to allow plotting of specific X and Y values (only applied when the Stacking Type is Position or Colour)
Jitter: the Y value is taken from a fixed set of random values to allow dots near each other to be easily distinguished (only applied when the Stacking Type is Position)


Defines the Colours to use when stacking values


Use title only
Displays the text in the header cell for the charts
Axis with tickmarks above
Axis will have tickmarks above the base line
Axis with tickmarks below
Axis will have tickmarks below the base line
Custom tickmark frequency
Controls how often a axis value will be displayed
Minor tick per major tick
Number of ticks to appear inbetween each value
Show labels on major ticks
Controls when to display the values
Number format
Specify the number format for the tickmarks
Custom x-axis min & Custom x-axis max
Controls the horizontal maximums and minimums
Custom y-axis min & Custom y-axis max
Controls the maximums and minimums for when stacking is enabled

See Also