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Publishing SQL Queries

Relational queries designed as described in this article can be published for reuse by all users. To do this:

  1. When you are satisfied with your query, click the Publish Query toolbar button at the top of the designer (PublishQuery.png)
  2. Type the address of the XLCubed Web Edition site and click the Connect button
  3. Select a folder to publish the query to, give it a name and optionally a more verbose description
  4. Click OK to publish the query

Alternatively, select the XLCubed > Web > Publish to Web > Publish SQL Query... ribbon item or the XLCubed > Publish SQL Query... menu item in Excel 2003 and lower, and select the item you would like to publish.

The query will now be available to both SQL Administrators and Standard SQL Users, for data tables and Slicers. Standard users will not be able to edit the query, but will be able to edit any parameters defined when it was published.

To quickly insert a new data table based on the query:

  1. Select the XLCubed > Favourites > Published SQL Queries... button from the XLCubed ribbon
  2. Type the address of the XLCubed Web Edition site and click the Connect button
  3. Select the desired query
  4. Click OK to insert the table

See Also