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SparkBullet Chart Designer
This dialog is used to format any SparkBullet In-Cell Charts in your report.
For details about how to invoke the dialog, see In-Cell Chart Designer.
[hide]Chart Options
This page has two modes. When the qualitative ranges are being driven from a range in your Workbook, some of the controls will be uneditable or hidden, as the values they contain will be predetermined.
- Qualitative ranges
- Specifies how many qualitative ranges should be rendered in the bullet chart. Available only when not being driven from a range
- Reverse range order
- -1 to cause the qualitative ranges to be reversed when rendering
- Use Excel range
- Specifies that the qualitative ranges should be defined by values in the given range.
- Show measure as
- Specifies whether to render the measure value as a Bar or a Dot:
- Measure bar colour
- The colour to user for the measure bar or dot
- Bullet length
- The width of the bullet chart
When Use Excel range is enabled
- Range colour
- The colour for the given qualitative range
When Use Excel range is disabled
- Lower limit
- Gives the lower limit for the first qualitative range
Subsequent rows give the colour and upper limit for each qualitative range.
Reference Value Options
Reference lines
- No reference lines
- The bullet chart is rendered without reference lines
- 1 reference line
- The bullet chart has one reference line
- 2 reference lines
- The bullet chart has two reference lines
- Colour
- The colour to use for the given reference line
- Value
- The value to use for the given reference line. May be either a value or a range
Projection bar
- No projection bar
- The bullet chart is rendered without a projection bar
- Projection bar
- The bullet chart has an additional bar or dot, showing the projected value for the measure
- Colour
- The colour to use for the projection bar
- Value
- The value to use for the projection bar. May be either a value or a range
Axis Options
- Customise axis
- Allows you to choose further options defining how the formula cell (for In-Cell Chart formulae), or the member name (when used in Grids) is rendered
- Use title only
- Uses the given text as a caption
- Axis with tickmarks above
- Draws a horizontal axis, with tickmarks and optional labels above the axis
- Axis with tickmarks below
- Draws a horizontal axis, with tickmarks and optional labels below the axis
- Custom tickmark frequency
- Overrides the automatic calculation of major tickmarks
- Minor ticks per major tick
- Adds the given number of minor (labelless) tickmarks between each major tickmark
- Show labels on major ticks
- Specifies whether numeric labels should be rendered for the axis
- Number format
- The format string to be used for the axis labels