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Returns a value for a given measure for a specific filter.


XL3LookupTabular( Connection, Measure, [Column1], [Value1],…, [Column14], [Value14] )


Parameter Description
Connection Connection number to use
Measure Measure to calculate
Column1,…, ColumnN Name of the hierarchy that the following value applies to e.g. "Date[Year]" or "'Customer Geography'[City]"
Value1,…, ValueN Value for the preceding column. Can be text, numeric, date or boolean.


Revenue 2004.

=XL3LookupTabular( 1, "Revenue", "'Date'[Year]", 2004 )

Revenue 2004, USA.

=XL3LookupTabular( 1, "Revenue", "'Date'[Year]", 2004, "'Geography'[Country]", "USA" )

See Also