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XLCubed App Service


XLCubedWeb can be hosted on-premise or in the cloud. There are several cloud options:

  • Host in a VM with any Cloud provider
  • Run in an App Service in Azure

If connecting to Azure-hosted data sources or PowerBI then the Azure App Service offers an automatic flow of security, as well as fitting in well with the Azure architecture.



The easiest approach is to install the XLCubed App Service installer. This is installed on a client machine and runs through the configuration of the App Service, this needs the user running the App to have the Contributor role in the Resource Group.

And for the "XLCubed App Service Config" enterprise app to be granted access to the following permissions:



XLCubed App Service Installer requires several packages installed in order to operate correctly:

A blank SQL Azure database will need to be created. This can be at the lowest sizing. You will need the connection string and allow access from other Azure resources.

The next step is to create the App Service resource in Azure:


You may use any App Service plan level. No other configuration is needed at this point, or you can enable authentication if you'd prefer configure that manually:



After running the application you will need to pick the appropriate tenant, subscription, resource group and App Service:


You will now be guided through the setup and any changes that need to be made will be shown and you can either allow the application to apply the change or make it yourself manually.