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Difference between revisions of "XL3DataSeries"

(Created page with 'Returns the set of values from a range of given time members. Often used to provide a OLAP data source for MicroCharts functions. Use the {{Menu|Insert Formula|Data Series}} men…')
(Removed reference to an insert formula wizard - it's actually for XL3DataSeriesLookup)
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Returns the set of values from a range of given time members. Often used to provide a OLAP data source for MicroCharts functions.
Returns the set of values from a range of given time members. Often used to provide a OLAP data source for MicroCharts functions.
Use the {{Menu|Insert Formula|Data Series}} menu or ribbon item to insert the formula using a wizard.

Revision as of 14:28, 6 October 2010

Returns the set of values from a range of given time members. Often used to provide a OLAP data source for MicroCharts functions.


XL3DataSeries( Connection, TimeHierarchy, PeriodMember, PeriodCount, Measure, Hierarchy1, Member1,…, Hierarchy12, Member12 )


Parameter Description
Connection Connection number to use
TimeHierarchy Name of the time hierarchy to use
PeriodMember The time member to use
PeriodCount The number of periods to return
Measure The measure to use
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyN Name of the hierarchy that the member applies to e.g. "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]"
Member1,…, MemberN Comma-delimited list of members to use for the cross section

Examples (based on the Bicycle Sales cube)

Returns the a set of 12 Revenues for January 2004 to December 2004

=XL3DataSeries( 1, "Time", "December 2004", 12, "Value", "KeyFigures", "Revenue" )

Returns a column chart for a set of 12 Revenues for January 2004 to December 2004 (only available with MicroCharts installed)

=MicroColumns( XL3DataSeries( 1, "Time", "December 2004", 12, "Value", "KeyFigures", "Revenue" ) )

See Also