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The report is formatted as below:
The report is formatted as below:

Revision as of 14:21, 27 October 2011

Level based formatting

New in v6.5 is the ability to format grid members depending on their level position in the cube structure. In the example below we have a grid report showing the measure, Reseller Sales Amount with Geography on columns and Product Model Categories on rows.


We would like to apply some formatting on rows so that each level on the Product Model Categories hierarchy is displayed in a different shade of blue. We can edit the hierarchy that you wish to format to confirm the hierarchy level names as below:


We want to display All Products level in dark blue and then all levels (Category, Subcategory and Model Name) in that hierarchy in lighter shades of blue. Make the changes to the XLCubedFormats sheet as below:

[Dimension].[Hierarchy1]: enter the dimension and hierarchy

[Member1 Name]: rather than a member name, here we need to specify a level name. We must put the asterisk (*) at the end of the level name to ensure that all members at that level are displayed in the desired format. We can check the full level name by selecting a member at that level, and then going to Grid Properties to check the MDX generated.


The report is formatted as below:
