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Difference between revisions of "IPad/iPhone app"

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Version 6.5 of XLCubed Web provides platform access for the iPad app. The app itself is currently being submitted through Apple’s process, and is expected to be available mid to late November.
Version 6.5 of XLCubed Web provides platform access for the iPad app.

Revision as of 10:06, 14 November 2011

Once reports are published to XLCubed Web, they can be accessed on any device with a compatible browser, including smartphones and tablets. If reports will primarily be used on iPad, it’s best to size them accordingly, however larger reports can still of course be used. The iPad app is designed primarily around interactive, and connected report access. It provides customised report navigation in a similar model to Apple’s standard email app, as shown below.


The user can then navigate available reports as required, or can add individual reports as ‘Favourites’ which will then appear as a shortcut listing of their most used reports. Users can also save a copy of the current view of the report to PDF, which is held locally and would then be accessible for offline viewing.


Version 6.5 of XLCubed Web provides platform access for the iPad app.