XLCubed is now FluenceXL. The new wiki can be found here: https://help.fluencexl.com/ |
Release Notes
The following page lists new features added to XLCubed, each release will also contain general bug fixes
[hide]- 1 V10
- 1.1 v10.0.146
- 1.2 v10.0.144
- 1.3 v10.0.138
- 1.4 v10.0.137
- 1.5 v10.0.136
- 1.6 v10.0.135
- 1.7 v10.0.133
- 1.8 v10.0.132
- 1.9 v10.0.131
- 1.10 v10.0.130
- 1.11 v10.0.129
- 1.12 v10.0.128
- 1.13 v10.0.126
- 1.14 v10.0.125
- 1.15 v10.0.124
- 1.16 v10.0.123
- 1.17 v10.0.122
- 1.18 v10.0.121
- 1.19 v10.0.118
- 1.20 v10.0.117
- 1.21 v10.0.116
- 1.22 v10.0.115
- 1.23 v10.0.114
- 1.24 v10.0.113
- 1.25 v10.0.112
- 1.26 v10.0.111
- 1.27 v10.0.110
- 1.28 v10.0.109
- 1.29 v10.0.107
- 1.30 v10.0.106
- 1.31 v10.0.105
- 1.32 v10.0.104
- 1.33 v10.0.103
- 1.34 v10.0.101
- 1.35 V10.0.98
- 1.36 V10.0.96
- 1.37 v10.0.94
- 1.38 v10.0.93
- 1.39 v10.0.91
- 1.40 v10.0.87
- 1.41 v10.0.81
- 1.42 V10.0.79
- 1.43 v10.0.75
- 1.44 v10.0.62
- 1.45 V10.0.60
- 1.46 V10.0.57
- 1.47 V10.0.56
- 1.48 V10.0.55
- 1.49 V10.0.51
- 1.50 V10.0.49
- 1.51 V10.0.47
- 1.52 V10.0.46
- 1.53 V10.0.35
- 1.54 v10.0.34
- 1.55 V10.0.32
- 1.56 V10.0.31
- 1.57 V10.0.28
- New Web portal – updates and fixes
- New Report Designer – support for member properties and other improvements
- Allow DAX: in XL3LookupTabular()
- Fluence – support GlobalVariables for Model name
- Allow escape to cancel writeback editing without a warning
- Latest IBCS standards updates
- Fixed: Converting Qlik grids with dynamic measures errors
- Data driven dashboard labels don't update on the web
- Deal with ! in sheet name when parsing addresses
- Fluence Tag reporting enhancements
- Handle blank Favourite Names
- Incorta - adjust page size based on current position
- Incorta default member caption should be blank
- MdxCalcs - genarate blank tuples as necessary
- Measure search doesn't include calculated members
- Member tree allow loading "More" into top level
- XLCubed Powershell Cmdlet for automated report deployment/management
- Slice highlights with blank members not handled correctly
- Table properties - hide some tabs for Incorta
- TM1 custom calc sets can error
- Performance improvement for Workbook slicers – stop additional refreshes
- Fluence – added “Level” property
- Incorta add measure filters on tables, custom query on tables and improve timeout handling
- Update Maps to use embedded Edge to address Google dropping IE support
- Fluence: Web-based Model entry support
- Enhanced logging capabilities
- Updated “Preview UI”
- Grid Designer
- Publishing
- Web Portal
- Web Adhoc
- "Clear and select members" bug fix
- Business template table support for Fluence and Anaplan
- Business charts turn off non-empty series to correct comparisons made
- Template tables - don't flag rows as subtotals if member has no children
- Commas in MDX statements in formulae can be replaced in non-US locales after pdf printing
- Support MDX Calculations in Fluence & Anaplan
- Hide levels MSAS MDX doesn't always work when drilling down
- Misbehaving datasources can cause favourites to be deleted
- XLCubedWeb: Anti CSRF checks + additional adhoc access checks
- Powerpoint: Improved incell chart handling in grids
- Fluence relational - handle quoting of reserved words
- Fluence EffectiveDate - default to today
- Add XL3SetProperty support for member properties for Grids
- New formula XL3HierarchyRoleLookup
- Proxy: Support SSAS Writeback
- Chart taskpane colors checkbox
- Proxy: Improve proxy with inaccessible/invalid connections
- Add new function XL3DefaultMember()
- Add DefaultMemberType to grids
- Add support for #tag to Fluence range selections
- Fluence improve #tag support in range driven reports
- Viewport backcolour not applied to entire dashboard item
- Multidimension Query - fix default members and add more search properties
- Chart taskpane - category axis reverse order checkbox
- Implement selection level for cube tree slicers
- TM1 formula mdx fix
- Fluence: Fix for publishing when user only has access to one tenant
- Fix for XL3Link form inserts formula not cell address
- Allow drilling on smc category labels for lolliplots
- Updated dutch translations
- Fluence data entry - support highlighting by tag in grids
- Fixed: Workbook slicer pane can not have its bg colour set to "none"
- Custom grid highlight ranges and writeback controlled by cell locking
- Fluence comment web server fix
- Powerpoint export: Closer match Excel character spacing
- Powerpoint export: Better viewport support for inline incell charts
- Incorta support paging members
- Workbookslicer visibility issues
- Fixed: Fast PDF regression
- Incorta Scheduling support
- Incorta slicers fix
- Allow clearing of auth tokens on web
- WebView2 - Fix apply IBCS issue
- Clean up streams after use
- Scheduling: save as Excel can get wrong file name when dynamic
- App Service: Embedded scheduler fails with connection mapping enabled
- New feature: Fixed header rows in Grids
- Change default for "Disable unrelated columns in Tabular Designer" setting to false
- Fix mdx syntax highlighting when query ends with ] and no new line
- AppService installer: handle FTPS-only app services
- Fixed: Quick search for measures doesn't work
- Add Axis level custom queries for Incorta and Qlik
- Pick range doesn't always hide all forms
- Fluence metadata adapter can error on some published reports
- Kyvos support for member key from range
- MultidimensionalQuery calculations initial implementation
- Reading function xml can error on empty elements
- Fluence - support hierarchy aliases from properties
- Preivew feature: improved web adhoc ui
- Qlik paging for spaces and apps
- Fix InsertFavourite for Fluence connections
- Fix fluence query text for advanced selections
- Fluence model data entry
- Incorta updates
- Default implicit measures on in new installations
- Fluence native member alias support
- Qlik improvements
- Incorta enhancements
- Qlik UI captions
- Add flex drilling on levels to non-mdx data sources
- Add alias support to Anaplan,Incorta,Qlik
- Qlik updates
- Handle 307 redirects with Proxy server auth
- Fix regression of XL3RunSQLProc
- Improve handling of waterfall comparisons on expenses/revenues
- Improve handling of line breaks with words longer than a cell
- Fix error with mixed compact axes and grid calculations
- Fix for hang during comment formulae authentication check
- Dynamic chart legend improvements
- Add %distributionlist% placeholder to scheduling
- Grid comment support in viewports
- Member search support multiple criteria
- Allow MDX: when defining member sets in Excel
- Proxy: Relational parameters
- XL3Jsonify Formula
- Scheduling: Use Distribution List name instead of Guid when using %groupname%
- TM1 web auth improvement
- Publish connection form improvement
- TM1 web auth improvements for ibm cloud sources
- Don't retry logon attempts when un/pw is invalid
- Fluence Writeback improvements
- TableFilter may not update correctly on web when driven from range
- Duplicate field names cause pivotview to error
- Fix for hidden headers for Table
- Improve XL3LookupTabular performance
- Restrict business tables to valid connection types
- Qlik cloud handle moved Apps
- Create message can crash with invalid textbox in master template
- Qlik performance improvement and setting removal
- CubeBuilderShim, fix issues and improve performance of App Service PivotViews
- Fluence tree slicer drilling
- Optional WebView2 dynamic charts
- Fluence Model View Support
- Business table with template columns driven from range doesnt update on web
- Improve Qlik connection item listing
- Fluence API - Intrinsic Property support
- Improvements to switching between MSAS and API Fluence connections
- Allow editing of grid calcs when axis set driven from a range
- Add extracted Scintilla binaries to Excel installers
- Incorta - add support for picking attr hier as measure
- PowerBI Premium powerbi:// web auth fix
- Incorta int type fix
- Fluence Pivotview support
- Propagate Forumla creating duplicate grids
- Handle Int32 in PivotViews
- Fluence Table slicer support & Fluence writeback phase 1
- Anaplan improvements and flunce set function support
- TM1 OAuth improvement
- TM1 Auth improvements for HttpOnly cookies
- TM1 improve auth when at server vs db level
- Anaplan - Support pivoting for cellsets > 2D
- Anaplan Improve token refresh
- New grid taskpane
- Dynamic charts - copy animation settings
- Template tables - option to compare vs Forecast for IBCS templates 2 and 4
- Make table filter selections editable
- Init Member Search UI with existing config
- Qlik compact mode with nulls fix
- Tooltips on Picturelinks
- Edit Picturelink added to Excel right-click menu
- Better resizing of Dashboards when XLCubed Taskpanes are shown/hidden
- Localise dynamic charts in excel
- Reset slider in small multiples when categories change
- Show cube caption not name in connection dropdown
- Clear progress spinner if listing cubes errors
- Qlik - add support for using variables as measures
- Order schedule execution according to next run time
- Anaplan - support layout with only columns defined, only add view members once in a crossjoin, App Service installer: Always use slashless Url
- Fluence scheduling groundwork
- Anaplan - improve connection handling and security
- Excel installer: include WebView2 bootstrapper
- Improved Member Selection when adding business rules
- "Delay control creation during load" option
- Fluence API - allow partner hosting
- PowerBI Auth update on Web
- Whitelabel updates
- Fix list method overriding
- Fluence style - increase multi-select slicer min width
- Delay in Selected items updating when setting "Initial selection" in Excel
- TM1 Enhancements - cube picker and writeback
- Business template tables allow comparing to forecast
- Added blue headers to some options
- Initial Fluence relational support
- Hide incell chart formulae for template tables
- "TheSans" better datalabel handling in Incell Chart
- Updated XL3Lookup, CubeSliceEditor and add default member selection in xl3lookup in grid
- Include Microsoft.Web.Scintilla in Excel setup
- Include Microsoft.Web.WebView2 in Excel setup
- Multiselect in Available Hierarchies
- Chart defaults and save/load styles
- TM1 cloud auth fix
- Table filter improve blank handling
- Some chart settings not being copied
- Formatting fixed for Tables when Headers are hidden.
- Reverse formats option of XL3SparkBar
- Add chart axis option - auto min/max sets to zero
- Speed up member tree view by enabling virtualization
- Support Total page count on FastPDF output
- Breakout % column to match grid font size
- XL3Members should drill up even when they have very long member unique names
- "ignore hierarchies" in comments no longer need to be the last dims on filters
- TM1 auth and view fixes
- Line charts with current month business rule error
- Remove current sample reports and link to new ones
- Chart taskpane - colour field in not visible and error changing chart type with xyz values
- TM1 - test server ip address and host for connectivity
- Fluence commenting
- Support illegal characters in Connection Mapping for sql repo
- Dutch translations
- New Visual styles (Preview)
- Option to change XLCubedWeb title (WebSiteTitle in web.config)
- Fluence commentary
- Fluence API Update
- Update Microsoft.Identity.Client and Microsoft.Graph.Core versions in XLCubedWeb.csproj
- Fluence small mults index fix when no row dimensions
- Fix sparkbar and add error handling to sparklines
- Qlik changes
- Change connection defaults with evaluation license
- Workbook slicers don't reshow when switching from the Formats sheet
- ClickOnce: rename as FluenceXL and sign as Fluence
- Proxy: Register logger stub
- Enable AtScale connections
- Remove current sample reports and link to new ones
- Fluence updates
- Add support for MFA when connecting to Azure Sql Server
- Add TableFilter selection type: https://help.xlcubed.com/Table_Filter
- Waterfall charts in PowerPoint & pdf
- Option to use inline Incell Charts in Fixed Excel Exports (clearer but needs font installed)
- Sort fluence folders alphabetically
- Multipart number formats with thousand dividers not correctly applied
- IBCS tables chart columns with missing formats can have previous format applied
- Dashboard sheet with workbook slicers can have initial size rendered with scrollbars
- Filter table selection item: add sort option
- Web formulae with "ResetAddress" don't work when the reset cell is on another worksheet
- New dashboard taskpane - hide/show all items
- New dashboard taskpane - items context menu
- Allow reference ranges on business charts
- Waterfall category direction/colour can be incorrect if expenses are +ve
- Waterfall chart fixes
- Business chart task pane can error when there is missing series data
- Freeze panes can be in wrong position
- Improved support for xl3lookup with >20 hierarchies
- Allow multi-drag of hierarchies in grid designer
- White label updates
- App Service - Azure SQL Authentication
- Fluence style update
- Improve handling of cell editing in sheets with merged cells
- Remove member selection type menu for measures on the web
- MDX formatting can be slow, timeout after 3 seconds
- Add "between levels" selection type to web UI
- Demo sample data
- Pivotview update
- Fix hierarchy unique names in TupleArray-s
- Fluence api
- Odata fixes
- Small multiple task pane auto apply for agg setting
- OData network creds and waterfall tabular calc fixes
- Fluence tenant mapping
- Snowflake connection type
- Allow user to configure compact/attribute-drill per axes
- Change default axes for drillable attributes
- Correct comments typo
- Compact mode can error if nothing on rows
- Allow batching of writeback update statements
- Proxy: avoid error messages in login window after login complete
- Default cell format as locked
- y2 axis tooltip incorrectly being set as htmltooltip
- Date slicer not updating initial value on load
- Clicks not registered through a viewport with alignment set
- User's default aspect not saving without user defined aspects
- Turn off y2 axis in ibcs style and separate axes colours in taskpane
- Add "Drill Category" menu item on web small multiples
- Preserve slicer visibility, and apply workbook slicer visibility from XL3SetProperty
- Fix Table tree slicers outputting 2nd column
- Merged cell roots should not be in hidden columns
- Updated Dutch translations
- XL3Filter works incorrectly with a single row of data
- Pivot views handle all invalid chars in column names
- New chart taskpane background
- Print PDF with connection needing SSO prompt
- Enable database creation from command line
- Click off chart should clear the designer new task pane
- Calculated members can break DAX translations
- IBCS comparison waterfall can use incorrect filters
- Try most recent id when connecting to Azure AD
- Compact axes can error for empty cellsets
- XL3DoComment - always use the canonical unique name
- Fluence translation updates
- Update wixproj files to support per-instance MSBuildExtensionsPath32 for pipeline build
- Fluence - improved translations and hierarchy hiding
- Fluence commentry
- Fluence Display now and preview
- Fluence - hide sharepoint option when publishing
- Fluence - Publishing fixes
- Tabular translations
- Fluence - tabular translations
- Rename Fluence ribbon to FluenceXL
- Fluence - add SSAS connection when connecting and improved auth for publishing
- Fluence - log out option for data connections
- Fluence publishing
- Fluence querying
- SSO handle logon during formulae
- Fluence API updates
- Fluence ribbon icon colours
- Fluence excel logon
- Fluence publishing logon
- AppService installer: add support for multiple Host Names
- Fluence authentication updates including impersonation on web
- Fluence "Publish to xlcubedweb" option
- Fluence - hierarchy metadata changes
- Excel Installer: Add Microsoft.Identity.Client and Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal
- Fluence connections should only be available to Fluence license keys
- Retry socket reset errors
- AuthToken retrieval can error in Azure app service
- Relational writeback to use db context
- Add support for retrying commands to Com data accessor
- Kyvos updates
- Attempt to handle "Enable macros" prompt
- Add HANA session context and MDX catalog context
- Add XL3DoComment formula
- Fix freeze pane when hidden rows or columns are contained before the freeze pane.
- Labelled Control auto-wrapping fix
- Download prerequisites from HTTPS only
- Initialise CubeCommentController outside of the QueryCanceller to avoid "Cancel Query" prompt
- App Service setup, handle invalid connection better
- App Service setup, more detailed error messages
- Custom calcuations on SSAS perspective can error when edited
- Check for mdx missing member mode support before setting command prop
- Change to more generic error message for file not found on opening web report
- Handle chart overlays on chart areas with no series
- Dutch translations
- small multiples on sql connections driven from a range can error on opening worksheet
- workbook slicers with initial value changes can cuase multiple refreshes work workbook objects
- Sql parameters used with "IN" clause whose names are substrings of each other can cause invalid queries
- Add more properties to slicer bulk edit
- Allow setting a border on an Excel camera object
- Log XL3MemberNavigate exceptions
- XL3MemberNavigate doesn't correctly store duplicate captions stored in the same cell
- Calculated columns error if grid is in attribute drilling mode
- If just one invalid member when "Manage structure changes" then it is not shown as invalid
- Web: Extra startup tracing
- White label updates
- Allow ignoring invalid members when member text not validated
- Acterys
- Kyvos add support for MDX missing member
- Copy member validation mode in grid/table settings
- kyvos and acterys updates
- Allow context menus in workbook slicer trees
- Dynamic Charts - option to hide null/zero data labels
- Dynamic Charts - allow total in center for pie/doughnut chart types
- New drilling mode: Attribute drilling paths on grids and template tables. Move attributes to Rows to define drill path
- XLCubedWeb: Excel Chart Datatable improvements
- General Performance improvements
- Grid & Table ribbon handles erroring grid better
- Option to show report name in repository tooltip
- Handle tel: and callto: links on web
- Improved donut and pie label support on web
- Donut chart better border support
- Allow custom calculation form to open when there are sets that contain syntax errors
- Business chart improvements
- Web build now strong-named: Custom Extensions will need to be compiled for each release
- Ibcs icon changes and rule renaming
- SQL Query builder improvements
- Default InlineMicrocharts for new installs
- Dashboard titles icon picker
- Azure App Service scheduling support
- Fixed: "More fields" not appearing
- Better support for deep links between grids and dynamic charts
- Improved "Available Hierarchy" searching
- New right-click options on Tree slicers to select parent/children
- Auto-create subtotals in drilled template tables
- Option to return a blank cell from slicers if no selections are made
- xl3activecelladdress parameter when opening a report will scroll to the cell if it's unlocked
- Custom business rule formats
- Improved Excel start-up speed with unavailable azure-storage mapped drives
- Better format support for "XL3Link" columns in relational tables
- Parent Child hierarchies can be created in Pivot-Views (right-click on the hierarchy in the Pivot view setup to configure)
- Support "Startup report" with "Browser-based login" on XLCubed Mobile
- TM1 - better handling when no measure hierarchy defined
- New option to apply filters/set functions to drill results
- Waterfall dynamic chart - better subtotalling and label positioning
- Fix issue with some Tabular Analysis Services columns and tables not begin shown
- Better support for display folders in Tabular Analysis Services
- Better support for some @ style formula on the web
- Multi-tenant App Service logon will no longer use external website for authentication
- PowerPoint export supports multi-lined cells
- Option to control layout of Dynamic Charts used as small multiples
- Preview: Updated Dashboard task pane
- Better support for Azure SQL in the SQL Query editor
- Highly formatted textbox support in FastPDF/Powerpoint
- Improved Template Table UI
- Azure connections: renew authentication tickets automatically in more scenerios
- Preview Option - new Table properties form
- Preview Option - Improved Dymanic Chart Taskpane
- Preview Option - Template tables
- Business rules
- Improved FastPDF support
- Dynamic charts support in viewports
- Hana - option to disable connection pooling
- Option to turn off XLCubed when editing PowerPoint-embedded workbooks
- Slicer searching support for more data sources
- LinkTo option on Dashboard Labels
- Additional Writeback information available in Web API
- Workbook slicers support DAX slicers
- Improved support for Azure Analysis Services/Multi-Tenant OAuth setups
- Multi-sheet printing: New workbook option to allow "Select All" of members
- Report exports added to tracking in SQL Repository
- Improved report loading speed of workbooks with many linked Workbooks Slicers
- New formula: XL3TrackChanges
- New formula: XL3Filter
- New multi-sheet printing option to associate sheets to specific slicers
- More dynamic chart options to support IBCS
- FIPS algorithm compliance
- SQL Repo: Support for case-sensitive server collation
- Performance improvement loading workbook with lots of aliases
- Option to alias Dynamic chart Column/Row name
- Integrated legend now supports "drag" resizing
- All web popup dialogs work better on small devices
- Various new dynamic chart options to continue to support IBCS standards
- Options to handle Data Validation dropdown submit behaviour
- Slicer lists - allow adding of relational connection slicers
- Advanced member search support in SAP Hana
- Add business rules support for dynamic chart formatting
- Dynamic charts - lots of new options to support IBCS
- Incell Compare chart support in Grids
- Add TM1 support for CategoryCompare waterfall charts
- Support for SSO provider initiated logon
- Option to disable specific dialogs in XLCubedWeb
- Multisheet printing: options for sheets to include at start and end of PDF
- New options in XL3ReportInfo
- New formula XL3ConnInfo
- Initial support for Kyvos connections
- Improved french translation
- Support for 2 PowerBI connections in one workbook
- Release version - see Version 10 for a list of all the new features