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XLCubed Offline Installation
Revision as of 10:59, 10 August 2022 by Antonio.remedios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To run the XLCubed installation offline, you should first download the prerequisites on another computer and install them manually. You should not then need an internet connec...")
To run the XLCubed installation offline, you should first download the prerequisites on another computer and install them manually. You should not then need an internet connection to run the installation: https://help.xlcubed.com/XLCubed_Web_Edition_Prerequisites
Alternatively, you can automatically download all the prerequisites by using the following command line on a computer that has internet access. The installer will create a folder containing all of the files in the correct layout. This can then be copied to a DVD or directly to the target computer:
XLCubedInstaller.exe /layout