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Skip Levels
From Version 9 you can use this feature to remove levels from your report, which can be useful when drilling.
This can be used in grids, small multiples and tree slicers.
Note that when skipping levels, members of those levels will not be shown, even when directly selected in the grid.
In this example, we have a hierarchy that contains:
- Year
- Semester
- Quarter
- Month
- Day
And we want to skip past the semesters, and go directly to the quarters.
In the member selector for Date we go to the Advanced section, and in the Skip Levels screen ()untick the Calendar Semester level.
The result is that when we drill years we next see quarters
We will make the same changes in a slicer, remembering to select "Use query restrictions for children".
the result is a tree that again goes directly from year to quarter.