XLCubed is now FluenceXL. The new wiki can be found here: https://help.fluencexl.com/ |
Version 9
What's new in XLCubed Version 9
[hide]Main Additions
- Dashboard sheets - build auto-connected, responsive, and device optimised dashboards in Excel for Web and mobile deployment.
- Grids can connect to Additional datasources - SQL, Excel and Big Data Sources.
- Paged Viewports - Ideal for 'panel' dashboards - Bring any part of an Excel workbook together in one dynamically switchable container.
- Viewports can now reference Excel charts directly, rather than the range the chart is located in.
- Data Mashup - to bring data from different sources together in one reporting table.
- UI enhancements
Grids now connect to additional Datasources
- Grids can be built from any supported datasource using a Pivot View
- Additional datasources supported in v9:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle Server
- Google BigQuery
- Amazon Redshift
- PowerBI Cloud
- PowerBI Desktop
- HDInsight
- Teradata
- QlikSense Desktop
- Vertica
- Dashboard sheets
- Paged Viewports
- Popup Viewports
- Chart Viewports
- Option to auto-size Maps
- Maps support additional placeholders in tooltips
- Improved layout of Treemaps
- "Apply query restrictions" available for Member Selector slicer types
- Slicers will now retain data types when outputting to cells - off by default in pre-v9 workbooks, can be enabled in Workbook Options
- Support more then 30 parameters on XLCubed formulae
- New function: XL3RefreshSheetObjects
- New function: XL3RefreshConnections
- New function: XL3LocaliseFormatString
- XL3SetProperty can now set:
- Chart Series colours
- Pager page number
- Dashboard active target
- The "Protected" setting on a range
- XL3Link adds "PRINTSHEET" and "PRINTWB" to print the active sheet/workbook without prompting
- Workbook option to set queryengine.ValidateMembers
- Moved to .net framework 4.5.2
- Updated format sheet - allows better control of borders.(CS)
Excel Edition
- Updated ribbon and UI
- Option to remember logon credentials for current Excel session
- Removed support for Excel 2003 - previous versions remain compatible
- Skip Levels for tree slicers
- Reduced Excel resource usage by dimension slicers
- * Skip Levels in member selector
- "Clear drills" option in member selector
- New "Scope_Isolation" option in Custom Calculations
- Option to sort named sets in member selector
- Option to turn off "Refresh when slicers change", similar to "Refresh when driving ranges change"
Web Edition
- Connection Mapping includes an optional "path" attribute to allow folder-level mappings
- Option to include custom css file to override css
- New SQL Repository options
- Reports published directly to SharePoint can now be used in scheduling