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Returns a name that can be used in place of a set in other formulae. Multiple members can be specified in a range to form one set.

This formula can be used with XL3Member and XL3MemberSet to drive reports.


XL3Set( Connection, Hierarchy, Name, Member1, [Member2],…,[MemberN] )


Parameter Description
Connection Connection number to use
Hierarchy Name of the hierarchy that the member applies to e.g. "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]"
Name Name of the set to return
Member1,…, MemberN Members to use


Using with XL3Member

If you create a set with XL3Set you can use it with XL3Member to retrieve cube values. In the example below we can a set of members in column C which control a formula report.

The set formula in A1 is XL3Set(1, "[Geography].[Geography]", "my countries", C1:C10), and the member formula in G6 is XL3Member(1,"[Geography].[Geography]",A1).


Using with XL3MemberSet

XL3MemberSet creates a statement that can be used with the ranking functions XL3RankLookup and XL3ValueRankLookup. This statement controls the members being ranked.

With XL3Set you can rank custom lists of members as seen below. We can update the country list and the ranking updates automatically.

The XL3Set formula is the same as in the previous example.

The XL3MemberSet in F1 is XL3MemberSet(1, "[Geography].[Geography]", A1, "DescendantsAt", 2) which gets the cities in the selected countries. Finally the rank formulae reference this XL3MemberSet cell, for example in G6 the formula is XL3RankLookup(1,$F6,6,10,"[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount]","[Geography].[Geography]",$F$1).


See Also