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Returns a cube cell value for a given cross section of the cube. Allows the formula to be typed on to perform a writeback operation for the given tuple.
Use the Insert Formula > Value menu or ribbon item to insert the formula using a wizard.
XL3LookupRW( Connection, [Hierarchy1], [Member1],…, [Hierarchy14], [Member14] )
Parameter | Description |
Connection | Connection number to use |
Hierarchy1,…, HierarchyN | Name of the hierarchy that the following member applies to e.g. "Measures" or "[Customer].[Customer Geography]" |
Member1,…, MemberN | Either a single member unique name or an XL3Member formula |
Examples (based on the Bicycle Sales cube)
Revenue 2004.
=XL3LookupRW( 1, "[Time]", "[Time].[2004]", "[KeyFigures]", "[KeyFigures].[Revenue]" )