XLCubed is now FluenceXL. The new wiki can be found here: https://help.fluencexl.com/ |
Version 9.2
What's new in Version 9.2
[hide]Main Additions
- Interactive animated Charts and Small Multiples
- Commentary - Email notifications and subscriptions
- Connector for Oracle Essbase
- Power BI - New Custom Visuals for embedding Grids, Reports and Small Multiple Charts in Power BI
- Commentary - Subscriptions and Email notifications
- Scheduling - Several Reports can be combined to one PDF, PowerPoint or Excel output
- Schedules can be setup to allow users to subscribe and unsubscribe
Small Multiples
- More user interactivity
- Animated charts
- Better chart formatting
- Improved tooltips options
- Improved drilling options
- Improved printing quaility
- Option to change major units
- Addition of Marimekko charts
- Compact mode - Display row members in a single column for drilldown reports.
- Query timeout option can be set in the Managing Connections screen.
- Display folder support for Tabular Analysis Services
- Paged Viewports: Can output active overlay index to a cell
Power BI
- New custom visual for embedding XLCubed elements inside Power BI reports
- Power BI Embedding in Excel allows a report to be included in a workbook
- XL3SetProperty extended
- Grid --> ShowDescendantComments
- Dashboard --> Target
- PagedViewport --> ActiveViewport
- SmallMultipleChart/Slicer/Pager/Map/Viewport/PagedViewport/PowerBI --> Visible
- SmallMultipleChart --> DataLabelsVisible
- Email notifications
- Attachments for Cube Comments
- Cube comments now show which members the comment is attached to when using "Show descendants"
Relational Connections
- Custom connection string for some typed connections
- This allows and type-specific features to be used with custom connection strings
- Enhanced SQL Stored Procedure support in the query designer
- New UI: Schedules can be created within folders
- Schedules can now be 'Run Now'
- Several Reports can be combined to one PDF, PowerPoint or Excel output
- Schedules can be setup to allow users to subscribe and unsubscribe
- Protected workbooks remain protected when sent
- Emails can include report images
- Failure emails can be sent
- Fixed size columns and rows are indicated with an asterisk (*)
- XL3SetProperty can set target by name and nearest match screen size
Data Connectivity
- Addition of Oracle Essbase connector
- Support XL3RunSQLProc with SAP HANA
- Better Custom Calculations support on more server types
- Workbooks can now have Aspects defined
Excel Edition
- Better Worksheet copying
- Holding Shift when opening a workbook allows all Grids to be set to Design Mode
- Support for Excel worksheet "Zoom" on some controls (slicers, treemaps)
- Various updates for improved appearance on very high DPI machines
- Improved control placement when loading reports on machines with different DPI to the original design machine
- Favourites - Users can now save slicer designs as favourites for re-use in other workbooks
Web Edition
- Logging for license usage
- .url favourites support passing through parameters
- Connection details are encrypted by default when sent to the browser
- XL3Link and XL3WebReportLink can open links in a new window
- Transparent picture links in PowerPoint exports
- Multi-sheet printing supports ordering of slicers
- Add option to only allow active sheet to be printed
- Support for "Microsoft PDF Driver"
- SQL Connections now supported