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Difference between revisions of "Grid Properties"

(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 65: Line 65:
For further information go to:
For further information go to:
[[Drill Modes]]
[[Drill Modes]]
; Member Text
: Controls how the grid handles user-entered member selections, e.g. when driving from a range
| Validate || Member text is checked against the database to ensure it is valid.
| Unique Name || Member text is assumed to be valid unique name and passed directly into the query.
| Captions || Member text is assumed to be a valid caption and combined with the hierarchy name before being passed into the query. e.g. "Bikes" becomes "[Product].[Product Categories].[Bikes]"
| Keys || Member text is assumed to be a valid member key and combined with the hierarchy name before being passed into the query.e.g. "1" becomes "[Product].[Product Categories].&[1]"
Line 79: Line 90:
: The title of the Grid, displayed in dialogs and menus whenever the Grid is referred to.
: The title of the Grid, displayed in dialogs and menus whenever the Grid is referred to.
: The following placeholders can also be used to display information regarding the cube connection:
: The following placeholders can also be used to display information regarding the cube connection:
* {{Code|{connectionid} }}
* {{Code|{server} }}
* {{Code|{server} }}
* {{Code|{database} }}
* {{Code|{database} }}
Line 116: Line 128:
| Property
| Property
; Property display style
: If properties are not in separate columns, control how the member caption and property are displayed in the cell.
; Group member properties with the same name
; Group member properties with the same name
: Any member properties with the same caption in the cube will be merged together into one column
: Any member properties with the same caption in the cube will be merged together into one column
Line 173: Line 188:
===Track grid's active cell===
===Track grid's active cell===
The current cell in the Grid can be used as input for other Grids and formulae. See [[Active Cell Grid Selections]] for more information.
The current cell in the Grid can be used as input for other Grids and formulae. See [[Active Cell Grid Selections]] for more information.
===Grid Actions===
see [[Grid Actions]]
===Named Ranges===
===Named Ranges===

Latest revision as of 08:31, 2 October 2023

Behaviour Options


Resize columns/rows after refresh
Automatically adjust the columns and rows to fit the data.
Insert/delete columns/rows when Grid size changes
Determines the behaviour when members are added or removed.
No Shift XLCubed overwrites neighbouring cells.
Shift Range XLCubed inserts the required number of cells only. E.g. when a grid becomes taller cells will only be inserted across the width of the data.
Shift Entire XLCubed inserts and deletes entire columns or rows to accommodate the new data.
Example of the shift behaviours
Fill formulae next to Grid
Detect and fill down/across any formulae directly adjacent to the Grid as members are added or removed.


Remove empty columns/rows
Exclude columns/rows with no values from the result set.
Enable Visual Totals
New in Version 7.6 - see Visual Totals for more information
Incude Headers in sets
Header selections are written into tuples when the MDX is generated. Turning this off means that context from the rows/columns selections will not be overwritten by the headers.
Replace 0 with Null
Allows zeros to be removed from reports using the Exclude Empty options
Feed hierarchy member results
Use the MDX function Generate to allow dynamic ranking and filtering (note: this option can be slower). For example: if Country and Product are on Rows, with this option enabled a grid with ranking on both hierarchies will show the Top 10 Countries and within each of those countries the Top 10 Products. With this disabled you would get the Top 10 Countries and the Top 10 Products, calculated separately.
Use NonEmpty on crossjoins
Use the NonEmpty MDX function when joining hierarchies
Exclude calculated members
By default XLCubed will show calculated members when drilling members to display their children. This option means those calculations are no longer shown.
Use Default Member for empty selections
If a range contains no members then XLCubed will use the default member instead. If you turn this off it will use an empty set instead. This can be useful if you are combining multipe sets and some may be empty.
Allow Excel style advanced sets
See Excel Style Advanced Selections.
Where clause style
When aggregating in a header hierarchy, XLCubed can generate MDX that:
With members extracts each aggregate into a With Member
Sets leaves the aggregates in-lined as a set
Subselect uses an in-line subselect statement for the aggregates, gives visual totals (Totals are for selected members only).

The first two options should give the same results, but performance can vary depending on your cube.

Use Existing in With Members
Adds an Existing function on aggregated sets in headers if the same dimension is also used on columns or rows. This can improve performance in many cases, but for some cube calculations may return unexpected results. You should check that the grid results are correct when turning on this option.
Drill Mode
Changes which members are shown when members are drilled
Standard Drilled members are expanded in all positions.
Drill and Replace Drilled members and their children are shown. Drill the parent member to drill back up.
Asymmetric Drilled members are expanded only in the location drilled. This applies if you have more than one dimension on rows, when the members can be repeated. This feature was introduced in version 7.2.

For further information go to: Drill Modes

Member Text
Controls how the grid handles user-entered member selections, e.g. when driving from a range
Validate Member text is checked against the database to ensure it is valid.
Unique Name Member text is assumed to be valid unique name and passed directly into the query.
Captions Member text is assumed to be a valid caption and combined with the hierarchy name before being passed into the query. e.g. "Bikes" becomes "[Product].[Product Categories].[Bikes]"
Keys Member text is assumed to be a valid member key and combined with the hierarchy name before being passed into the query.e.g. "1" becomes "[Product].[Product Categories].&[1]"


Display error on invalid members
Displays a warning if invalid selections are found on any hierarchy.
Refresh Grid on open
Causes the Grid to update itself when the workbook is opened.
Refresh when driving cells change
If the Grid is driven from any Excel ranges, then causes the Grid to update itself whenever any of these changes.

Appearance Options


The title of the Grid, displayed in dialogs and menus whenever the Grid is referred to.
The following placeholders can also be used to display information regarding the cube connection:
  • {connectionid}
  • {server}
  • {database}
  • {cube}
  • {lastupdate}
Display Grid title
Display the Grid title in the worksheet.
Replace nulls with
Instead of an empty cell, XLCubed inserts the desired value.


Apply formatting
Override formats on the Grid, or let you manage them manually.
Format Grid without borders
Exclude borders from the formatting applied to the Grid.
Apply Cube formatting
Retrieve and apply formats that are defined in the cube.
Merge repeating cells
When crossjoining, merge the repeated cells for the outer hierarchies:
With merged repeating cells
With merged repeating cells
With separate repeating cells
With separate repeating cells
Show member properties in separate columns
If any member properties are selected, display each in its own column, or in the same cell as the member caption:
MemberPropertyDisplay(PropColumn).png Show member properties in separate columns
MemberPropertyDisplay(PropMem).png Property - Member
MemberPropertyDisplay(MemProp).png Member - Property
MemberPropertyDisplay(PropOnly).png Property
Property display style
If properties are not in separate columns, control how the member caption and property are displayed in the cell.
Group member properties with the same name
Any member properties with the same caption in the cube will be merged together into one column
Show Comments
Report users can view and enter comments


Show drill indicator
If a member is drillable, a symbol is displayed before the member's caption:
+ Member can be drilled down.
- Member can be drilled up.
Member cannot be drilled
Indent members when drilling
The indentation of the members in a Grid reflects what level they are on. The size of indentation can also be adjusted.
Size of indentation
Allows user to set size of indentation when drilling

Grid Elements

In this section you can choose not to display sections of the grid. This allow you to place grids in specific places without needing to hide rows/columns which is useful if they move when drilled.

Standard view.
All areas except "Row Members" hidden on the second grid.

This feature was introduced in version 7.2.

Hide header hierarchies
Show only the row and column hierarchies and members. The header hierarchies can still be seen in the Edit Grid dialog.
Hide draggable hierarchy labels
Prevent the hierarchy labels being rendered. This option speeds up Grid updates.
Hide hierarchy label warning icon
Prevent display of a warning icon when advanced selections are active on a hierarchy.
Hide Column Labels
Hide labels for any hierarchies displayed on the columns axis
Hide Row Labels
Hide labels for any hierarchies displayed on the rows axis
Hide Column Members
Hide members for any hierarchies displayed on the columns axis
Hide Row Members
Hide members for any hierarchies displayed on the rows axis

Interaction Options

Track grid's active cell

The current cell in the Grid can be used as input for other Grids and formulae. See Active Cell Grid Selections for more information.

Grid Actions

see Grid Actions

Named Ranges

XLCubed can create named ranges based on Grid elements that can then be used by other Excel objects, such as formulae and charts. See Named Grid Ranges for more information.

Lockdown Options

Password protect Grid properties
Before showing the Grid Properties dialog, a password is required.
Apply restrictions in Excel
Enforce the following permissions in Excel. If off, the restrictions are only applied when published to XLCubed Web Edition.


Show Grid menus
Show the right-click Grid menu. Note: The Grid properties dialog is always available unless specifically excluded below.
Allow hierarchy navigation
Show the Hierarchy Editor for any hierarchy.
Can change filter/column/row members
Show the Hierarchy Editor for the hierarchies on the given axis.
Can drill columns/rows
Allow drilling on members in the given axis.
Set All to No
Disallows all the above permissions.

Hiding Menu Items

These options allow you to hide specific operations from the Grid's right-click menu.

Writeback Options

See Writeback for more detail about writeback in XLCubed.

MDX Options

Set the connection for the Grid
Auto-generate MDX (default)
XLCubed controls the MDX for the Grid, given the selected options, hierarchies and members.
Manual MDX
You may type your own MDX in the edit field. Using XL3Parm( Address ) allows you to substitute parts of the MDX with cells on the worksheet.
Get MDX from Excel range
The entire MDX statement for the Grid is taken from a cell on the worksheet.

Default Grid Options

The defaults for new Grids can be set by using the Save as Defaults button. To set a Grid back to the saved defaults, use the Load from Defaults button.

Performance Tips for Large Grids

Turn Off:

  • Apply formatting
  • Merge repeating cells
  • Resize Columns

Turn On:

  • Hide draggable hierarchy labels

After making these changes to all the grids use XLCubed -> Connections -> Refresh connections to clear any remaining hierarchy labels.