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Version 8
What's new in XLCubed Version 8.
[hide]Main Additions
Enhanced User Interface for XLCubed Web Edition
Richer Control and Operational Reporting option for XLCubed Web Enterprise. Reports can now be published to an SQL database rather than fileshare, which provides for more straightforward security management, report version control, and operational reporting on usage etc.
XLCubed Scheduling enhancements
Multi-sheet Web Printing - this is a new option to allow for Propagate Across Sheets style printing and saving to Excel from the Web Edition, producing multi-paged PDFs or multi-sheet workbooks from a single worksheet.
Slicer Enhancements
- Workbook Level Slicer Control
- Greater control over formatting, sizing and alignment
- Time Slider slicer type
General Navigation and usability enhancements
- Back & Forward controls on Grids
- Apply button in member selector to see changes applied without leaving dialog
- QuickSearch for hierarchies
- Workbook Explorer to show overall report structure and build up
- Dependency Explorer to show which parts of the report will be run when published
Data Visualisation
- Bump Charts - to show changes in rank position over time
- SAP HANA odbo connector (available as beta with teh release of V8)
- Teradata available as new SQL connection
- Advanced Workbook Open Options - Hold shift when opening a workbook to handle invalid members or temporarily disable XLCubed functionality
- Named range support - named ranges can be used as the source for any range driven items and will stay linked to the named range
- Right-click menu speed up in Excel 2013
- Import & Export custom calculations
- Search in Custom Calculations
- Support for SCOPE in custom calculation scripts
- Pagers can input and output entirely to Excel ranges
- Bulk edit properties - edit properties for several grids/slicers etc at the same time
- Workbook Explorer: gives an overview of all the objects in a workbook
- Design Mode: edit grid layout without running any queries
- Copy and Paste lists into editable cells on the web
- Accepts lists in plain text or ranges copied from Excel.
- Back and forward controls on Grids
- Option for non-pinned Grid Calculations (i.e. always show at position x)
- Grid Calculations can be re-ordered
- New option for member search: "Does not include"
- Support aliasing, to rename dimensions and members
- Option to display member property instead of member caption in all dialogs and results
- "Apply" button on member selector
- Filter measure can be range driven
- Grid Charts: highest level option
- "Order By" member property in advanced sorting
- Outlier Grouping - option to always include a specified member (either in the ranking/filtering or as an additional row)
- Option to format Leaf members in a grid
- New option to select the "Default Member" in member selections
- A new toolbar button on the advanced tab of the member selector
- Grid Ribbon: new option to create grouped members and named sets
- Support for "OData" datasources
- Cube-based Treemaps: size and colour can be driven from an Excel Range
- Treemaps: Specify formatting of treemaps
- Small multiples: Can apply number format to x and y-axis
- Small multiples: Option to hide border
- Small multiples: data driven x-axis min and max values
- Small multiples: New Bump Charts chart type
- Maps: option to select colour for "Blank" values
- New: SparkHeatMap
- Heatmaps - XL3SparkHeatMap() formula
- Workbook Level slicers - taskpane shows common slicers when changing worksheet
- Improved printing from Excel
- Resize and reposition several slicers at the same time
- "Multi-select" option on Combobox slicers
- Option on Button slicers to show members with no-data as "Disabled" button
- Tree slicers can now create a hierarchy from column based hierarchies
- Time Slider slicer type
- "Initial value" can now be a range containing an "MDXSET:"
- Dimension Slicers: Alignment Options
- XL3MemberNavigate - new option for "Parent at level"
- Flex Reporting - supports paths from the same hierarchy
- XL3SetProperty - can control a chart's visibility.
- XL3LastCubeUpdate - new "Format" paramter to control date/time format
- XL3DynamicPicture - Option to auto size image
- XL3WebReportLink - support for Sharepoint-based publishing
- XL3Links can be linked to toolbar buttons: "Download to Excel", "Print" etc
- Centralised connections - all formula take a connection id and any SQL driven objects use the same central connection, so they can be edited under the standard Manage Connections form
- Added support for "Teradata" to the SQL Connection form
- Support for HTML formatting
Web Edition
- New improved look and feel
- SQL Repository
- Custom or automatic preview images of reports
- Option to view: Most recent, Most viewed, Popular and Bookmarked reports on the homepage
- Add support for including a custom logo
- Advanced Member searching option
- Web edition connection history can be edited
- From the Options -> XLCubed Options form
- Retain chart names when saving back into Excel
- Support for Excel data validation
- Mutli-line editing for unlocked cells on the web
- Ctrl+Enter creates a new line
- Connection Mapping support for SQL Connections
- Dependency Explorer - check sheet calculation dependencies from Excel
- New option to Hide Sheet Tabs when publishing
- Support for over 70 additional Excel formulae. See the New XLCubed Web Edition Formulae (Version 8.0) page for details.
- Support for saving reports when viewing them in SharePoint
- Support for adhoc grids
- Support for Analytic Books
- Option to enable Mobile app access to SharePoint published reports